Sadness, Happiness, Blissfulness
Suffering, grief and lamentation are the major natures of life in the recent days. For some people, this phenomena is a chastisement from God, castigation upon the greediness of humanuty or any other kinds of condemnation. Nevertheless, this small and modest book distunguishes opportunity for evolution that lies behind the misery.
Suffering is indeed frightening for most people, yet this book unveils that sorrow does own other quality than fear for it might become vitamin for the growing of a soul, chance to compensate karmics debts. Splendorous meditation materials, and vigor that leads to wisdom.
Moreover, suffering might as well provide strong roots for the forth coming happiness. Above all, those step beyond suffering and happiness shall behold an opening gate of life that is blissfullness, enlightenment and ultimate healing.
Nature as a symbol of enlightenment and ultimate healing keeps whispering: "nature has fas longer age than human being because it welcomes all seasons". Those who deeply embodying this in life might have a boundless capacity to suffer, and able to see that life and death are one.
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