A Celebration of Democracy (bhs. Inggris)
While many Muslim countries still suffer under undemocratic, authoritarian regimes, lndonesia in six years has made a rapid transition from a dictatorship to a comlex, multilevel democracy. During the year 2004, the people of lndonesia took part in three different nationwide elections--a legislative poli and two rounds of presidential voting... with enthusiasm, a high rate of participation, and most importantly, pearcefully.
Entering the years 2005-2006, the great task continues on a more local level, through the country's first-ever direct alections for local government heads that are being held in more than 200 regenciesm cities, and provinces. The world has congratulated the country on its achievements and lndonesia is now widely hailed as the world's...
lndonesia has become international example of the compatibility of lslam and democracy. The country's majority Muslim enthusiastically participated the process in their pesantren, or lslamic boarding scholls...
This book capture lndonesia's democratic achievements using documentary journalism technique in the colorful and informative style of GATRA Magazine. As political commentators offer their perspective on the issue...
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