Buku Sekolah Nir Kekerasan Inspirasi Sekolah Menyenangkan dari Empat Benua

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Buku Sekolah Nir Kekerasan Inspirasi Sekolah Menyenangkan dari Empat Benua
Tanggal terbit
April - 2017
Jumlah Halaman
250 gr
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Pendidikan & Pengajar
Text Bahasa
Indonesia ··
Lokasi Stok
Stok Tersedia.
(Siap dikirim dalam 24 jam)


Ketika kita menempuh pendidikan di negara lain, kita juga sedang menimba pengalaman tentang banyak sisi kehidupan di negara tersebut. Bukan hanya pendidikan tinggi, tetapi juga pendidikan dasar dan menengah bagi yang sudah berkeluarga. Yang ditulis oleh rekan-rekan pelajar Indonesia di Melbourne ini akan memberikan inspirasi bagi para guru dan orang tua di Indonesia. Apresiasi yang tinggi kepada rekan-rekan yang telah menulis dan membagikan buku ini ke sekolah-sekolah di pelosok Nusantara.
- Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Sos. Sc. (Menteri Sekretaris Negara RI)

Cinta dapat berupa kekerasan dengan wajah yang paling lembut. Dalam wajahnya yang sebegitu, anak-anak dicintai agar menyerupai kita. Buku "Sekolah Nir-Kekerasan: Inspirasi Sekolah Menyenangkan dari Empat Benua" dapat menjadi cermin untuk memeriksa bagaimana sesungguhnya cinta kita berwajah.
~Sujiwo Tejo (Budayawan)

Guru yang baik adalah guru yang mulai mengajar dengan terlebih dahulu belajar dari dan kepada murid. Sebab, menjadi murid itu abadi dan menjadi guru itu tidak. Setiap guru adalah murid, namun tidak setiap murid kelak menjadi guru. Saya menemukan hasrat untuk senantiasa bergembira dalam proses belajar mengajar dalam buku "Sekolah Nir-Kekerasan: Inspirasi Sekolah Menyenangkan dari Empat Benua." Semoga anak-anak kita tidak kehilangan kesenangan bermain ketika mulai menjalankan kewajiban belajar.
-Candra Malik (Seniman)

It is with great pleasure that I endorse this publication. This book provides a bridge between the Australian and Indonesian Education Systems and promotes further and greater understanding and knowledge of the purpose of Education. The development of all of our children as global citizens is a priority for all educational institutions.
Educating the whole child entails developing not only academic skills but their physical and social skills together with their emotional well - being. A love of lifelong learning in a child should be the goal of all teachers and schools. As we move further into the 21" century the development of the skills necessary to function as aproductive and effective member of society are essential. This book provides the opportunity for all who read it to consider and reflect on their rote in education.
~ Brian Mills (Principal Clayton North Primary School)

It is with much pleasure that I endorse this book. There is little doubt that the interaction between and across education systems internationally makes an enormous difference to the learning about teaching crucial to enhancing students' learning outcomes in school. To see the close interaction between countries and to have an opportunity to share ideas, information and successes in ways that come to the fore when published in this manner is very encouraging. Education is one of the most important mechanisms for helping people to take more control of their own lives. To see how these authors have used their knowledge to help the learning of others is truly heartening. The enthusiasm, interest and commitment to education highlighted through this book is a credit to all involved.

I am grateful to all for sharing their ideas and expertise in the way they have in this book and I look forward to seeing how the ongoing development of students as active and responsible learners continues. In so doing, new learning approaches and opportunities will be created and students will ultimately be the beneficiaries. That is indeed a good thing and is what quality in education is all about.

-Professor John Loughran (Dean of Education Monash University)

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