Managing Human Capital in Indonesia (Best Practices in Aligning People with Strategic Goal)

Rp 197.000
Hemat Rp 9.850
Rp 187.150
Managing Human Capital in Indonesia (Best Practices in Aligning People with Strategic Goal)
Tanggal terbit
Mei - 2009
Jumlah Halaman
500 gr
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Text Bahasa
Indonesia ·
Lokasi Stok
Gudang Penerbit icon-help
Stok Tidak Tersedia





Indonesian organizations are facing ever increasing competitive pressure within and between local companies but also from global competitors. Consequently, to defend local markets and indeed exploit growth opportunities in other regions, the management of human capital (the skills, competencies and mindsets of the employeebase) has become a performance imperative for lndonesian organizations.

Managing Human Capital in Indonesia: Best Practices in Aligning People with Strategic Goals explains how lndonesian organizations can migrate the management of human capital from a tactical, personnel operation to a strategic capability. In the first instance this requires a substantive overhaul of the human resource function. Based on an analysis of Indonesian, Asian and global best practices in HR management, this book explains how HR functions are being reconfigured as Strategic HR functions.

The book's step-by-step practical guidelines shows how HR professionals can gain a firm understanding of the strategic imperatives of the enterprise and use this knowledge to deploy effective HR interventions. Central to such interventions is the providing of strategically critical people goals, measures and targets within a corporate Balanced Scorecard. From this, the HR organization should then build its own dedicated HR scorecard that ensures that the work of all in the function is strategically focused.

Using the Balanced Scorecard as an overarching strategy management framework. Managing Human Capital in Indonesia: Best Practices in Aligning People with Strategic Goals helps the reader master those HR interventions that are most critical to the success of the enterprise.

The book describes how to build and deploy a robust process for identifying, nurturing and retaining talenta urning platform for organizations across the globeand how to implement best practice competency, training and coaching frameworks. Providing both a helicopter view of improving enterprise performance as well as coming on developing that of the individual, the book shows how to ensure that people capabilities are hardwired to strategic goals through the shaping of individual Balanced Scorecardsfrom executive to front-line levelsthat serve as the only appraisal system and that drive the application of appropriate bonus systems.

The book also describes how lndonesian organizations can create a cadre of leaders that are capable of leading global enterprises and explains how to build a highperforming corporate culture.

Reporting the findings of an exclusive survey of the HR practices of Indonesia-based organizations that was commissioned to support this book, Managing Human Capital in Indonesia: Best Practices in Aligning People with Strategic Goals provides a clear roadmap for readers to follow in the creation of a high-performing HR organization: a function that is seen as a strategic asset of the enterprise.

* * * * *


Naresh Makhijani is widely acclaimed as one of Asia's leading management consultants. For more than 23 years, he has led consulting assignments in Asia, Middle East and Europe. In 1995, he became the first consultant to complete a scorecard implementation in Asia. Since then he has led and managed over 110 Balanced Scorecard projects in a number of countries, including Switzerland, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Qatar, and India.

His primary focus is in assisting companies in translating their strategic vision and goals into tangible results. In addition to the Balanced Scorecard, he has led and managed consulting projects in areas such as Vision and Goal Building, Business Planning, Activity Based Costing/Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Change Management, Management Cockpit and SAP Rl3.

Naresh is the co-author of the best-selling book Managing Business in Asia: Succeeding with the Balanced Scorecard, and has published 10 white papers and 17 articles.

He has received academic qualifications from Asia, North America, and Europe. These include CMA, MBA, PGDMSM, MSID, CMC, MPM, CIE and B.Coach.


Krishnan Rajendran (Raj) leads the human resources consulting practice for OTI and is cross-appointed as head of the organization's own HR function. He is also a member of the faculty at the IPMl Business School at Jakarta.

Raj has over two-and-a-half decades of experience in HR as a practitioner, consultant and academician and has held senior level HR positions in large corporations, both in India and Indonesia. He has consulted with numerous organizations in the private, public and the government sectors in the areas of organizational analysis and design, strategic Human Resource Management (HRM), change management, performance management, transforming the HR function, and implementing HR best practices.

Raj facilitates courses in HRM and Organizational Behavior at the IPMl Business School. He has an MBA from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA, majoring in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.


James Creelman is the Global Best Practices Advisor for OTI and a member of its senior management team.

An internationally acclaimed author and advisor, James has authored, or coauthored 20 research reports or books on the Balanced Scorecard, Enterprise Performance Management and functional best practices. These include:

* Mastering Business in Asia: Succeeding with the Balanced Scorecard
* Next Generation HR Shared Services: How to Take Customer Service, Efficiency and Savings to the Next Level
* Creating the HR Scorecard
* Understanding the Balanced Scorecard: An HR Perspective
* Driving Corporate Culture for Business Success
* The Finance Function: Achieving Performance Excellence in a Global Economy
* Reinventing Planning and Budgeting for the Adaptive Enterprise
* Transforming Public Sector Performance

He has served as the editor of numerous print and on-line business management magazines and regularly presents at conferences, workshops and seminars throughout the world. James has been designated a Fellow of the Advanced Performance Institute, UK.


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