Wise men say "Experience is the most valuable teacher". This is because, whether our experiences are good, bad, or otherwise memorable, we will gain valuable life lessons from them. A lot of people and organizations succeed because they learn from their own experiences, or from others'. Many fail or are crushed because they do not make use of experience.
Since the early 19th century, academics overseas have utilised "learning from experience" in developing concepts and analyses to assist business executives in solving their business problems. On the other hand, business executives have also communicated their best practices to the academic world, reflecting the reality of business and the relationships between concept and implementation. This has formed a chain of knowledge development through case studies, and these have become the basis for the faster delivery of teaching materials to students and trainees.
In Indonesia, some universities use case studies written overseas on
overseas industries. Indeed, those cases provide different contexts
and require different analytical approaches. Therefore, this book
is very special in the way that it provides local contexts. Having
familiarized themselves with local contexts, both young and more
experienced professionals will gain closer insights and greater added
value on local business conditions, all of which will be beneficial to the
progress of their careers, and to their readiness for global competition.
Indonesian Business Cases: From Innovation to Financial Excellence
is published in English by Penerbit Salemba Empat and BINUS
Publishing, and provides new perspectives on the business world
in Indonesia by presenting 16 case studies from a wide spectrum
of industries represented by many important companies such as:
Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Martha Tilaar, ABN AMRO, Bhinneka.
Com, SOSRO, Tahapan BCA, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, PT Hollitech,
PT Yamaha, Blue Bird Group, Mie Sedaap (WingsFood), Indomie
(Indofood), Lifebuoy Berbagi Sehat, PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk., PT Bumi
Resources, Tbk., PT ELNUSA, and PT Great River International (GRIV).
This book is a reference source for inspiring business or management
lectures that will contribute significantly to improving the quality
of not only teachers and students in particular, but also young and
experienced professionals as well as the business community in
general, both in Indonesia and overseas, especially in the Asian region.
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