Philophobia - Cerita Cinta Dari Orang Yang Tidak Percaya Cinta
Dua orang sahabat yang berbeda jenis kelamin dan karakter. Anjani, cewek cynical, harsh in words and philophobic, sedangkan Alandra: lovable, believes in love, and a bit too sentimentil for a boy. They are just like two sides of a coin. Dua orang yang sebenarnya berbeda banget. Tapi anehnya, inseparable at the same time.
ANJANI: Bener-bener ngga? ngerti! Dan mungkin gue udah ngga\\\' mau ngerti lagi?. Too much aja buat gue. Terserah deh loe semua pada mo nyebut gue apa? Karena kayaknya sih udah jelas sekarang. Kalo the love shit, doesn\\\'t exist for me.
ALANDRA: I\\\'ve got a confession to make: I do like her. And sadly, this time? It\\\'s not just a friendly love. I\\\'m really feeling something more\\\' and it\\\'s real.
Emang sih\\\' di dunia ini, ngga\\\' harus semuanya tentang cinta melulu yang bisa dibahas. Dangkal banget! It\\\'s true thet this world does not always have to revolve around love and the issues of love. But, there\\\'s no denying that?it does exist! Love does exist.
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