Spring of Kumari Tears

3.7 avg rating - 40 Goodreads ratings
Rp 50.000
Hemat Rp 2.500
Rp 47.500
Spring of Kumari Tears
Tanggal terbit
Februari - 2012
Jumlah Halaman
150 gr
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Text Bahasa
English ··
Down there, some people wanted to seek your spring Probably water in the lover course wasn't satisfying, or they wanted the clearest pure water. After few days, they found our dry land easily.
That moment, your were sitting near the lake, shocked to see them. The leader of those people stepped forward, yelled, "so you are here, slut!" The other man saw the tears dripping to the lake and whispered, "Look. The river we seek is coming from her tears!"
Those people looked at each other, angrily.
"What? So along this time we have drank this slub tears?"
he spat. Hurriedly, they all surrounded the woman, "We should have killed you that day!' said one man.
You stepped back, frightened. "I didn't do anything wrong! You cried and fell down.
They spat again.
"I Loved him!" you said, crawling back, "Andy you...you killed him!
"He deserved to die! He disgraced our Kumari!
There was sound of laughter, and in a second a lance had stabbed in your throat!
This short story compilation presented authors' faith to play along and breathe the tales, again in 'esthetical transaction' with readers. It is not only words combination on papers. Spring of Kumari Tears challenged locality imaginative pilgrimage and human internal search through various events, Fluency in geographical setting was evidence of authour's travelling among cultures. Author's faith guided readers to live in his stories.
That moment, your were sitting near the lake, shocked to see them. The leader of those people stepped forward, yelled, "so you are here, slut!" The other man saw the tears dripping to the lake and whispered, "Look. The river we seek is coming from her tears!"
Those people looked at each other, angrily.
"What? So along this time we have drank this slub tears?"
he spat. Hurriedly, they all surrounded the woman, "We should have killed you that day!' said one man.
You stepped back, frightened. "I didn't do anything wrong! You cried and fell down.
They spat again.
"I Loved him!" you said, crawling back, "Andy you...you killed him!
"He deserved to die! He disgraced our Kumari!
There was sound of laughter, and in a second a lance had stabbed in your throat!
This short story compilation presented authors' faith to play along and breathe the tales, again in 'esthetical transaction' with readers. It is not only words combination on papers. Spring of Kumari Tears challenged locality imaginative pilgrimage and human internal search through various events, Fluency in geographical setting was evidence of authour's travelling among cultures. Author's faith guided readers to live in his stories.
Goodreads Review Spring of Kumari Tears
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