The survey to understand the community's pattern and potentials in paying Zakat is a program to up-date the data collected in the 2004 survey. Using face-to-face interview, it could collect information from 2000 respondents. This book seeks to explore information on the awareness of Muslim community as Muzakki (one who is eligible and obliged to pay Zakat), Muzakki's awareness about Zakat and the average amount of Zakat paid by Muzakki every year. This book also provides information about the prediction of Zakat which may be collected. It is presented to the community to illustrate the institutions usually trusted by the community to distribute Zakat. In addition, it tries to explore which Asnaf (recipient group) among 8 Asnafs that is most eligible to receive Zakat and should be prioritized. It is expected that this survey will provide useful data for the reference to improve the utilization of Zakat funds. Therefore, information on the community's perception concerning their support in utilizing Zakat funds for long-term programs, such as: women empowerment, Law and Human Right enforcement, marginalized society and labor protection and nature conservation was all gathered.
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